Sunday, March 11, 2012

task 2


   These two figures are bar charts. The two bar charts are showing the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support thy received from employers in the UK.

   The first bar chart shows the reasons for study according to the age of the student. The main reason young students study is to improve their career prospects. From the bar chart, for those under 26, the percentage is 80, for those aged 26-29, 70% and for those in their 30s, just under 60%. For those in their 40s, an equal number study for interest; for those over 49, they study more for interest.

   The second bar chart shows the employer support, by age group. Those under 26 get more support than the others, over 60%. Those aged 30-39 get less employer support than those aged 26-29; the percentage is 51% for the younger group but only 33% for the older group. For those aged 40-49, the percentage is 39%. For those over 49 the percentage is 45%.

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