Sunday, February 26, 2012

task 1

   From this table we know information about the sale of a downtown restaurant in an American business district in October. The weekdays are from Monday to Friday and the weekend is Saturday.

   For lunch from Monday to Friday, weekdays, the sales were from $2,375 on Thursday to $2,595 on Wednesday. The lower sales were on Saturday at $1,950. For dinner according to the table the information is showing that the sales are similar to the lunch from Monday to Friday and it was from $3,445 on Wednesday to $4,350 on Friday. Also it shows they increased on Friday by $905. At the weekend the sales dropped to $2,900 because some people eat at home. Also some of them live outside the district.

   Dinner sales were higher than the lunch in general in the weekdays and at the weekend. The table shows on Sunday the restaurant was closed.

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