Sunday, April 22, 2012

task 4

   The children should compete and co-operate at different times. Sometimes they should compete and at other times they must co-operate. Also we must support both sides of the argument.

   At school and at work the children will find a challenge between them. This will help to raise them to be competitive. All of this is in the interest of society, because in the competition the community will get good people and so get a good future from them, so they will have good teachers, engineers and different professions. Also in the sport the children must compete, because it will help them to be healthy.

   On the other hand, the children must learn there are good things in the co-operation and helping the other people. Without the co-operation we will not get to the level of development which we need. It is important that children learn to be sympathetic and to understand each other. The co-operation makes people closer, because everyone will help the others. Today in the college you must work in groups and this will help you to co-operate.

   To get the best life we must raise our children to co-operate and compete. We cannot separate competition and co-operation.

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